Thursday, 23 February 2012


Right, post-literature project drinks went on for a bit longer than expected. To elaborate, I handed it in at 5pm on Monday and got home yesterday at 4pm. Now is time for some serious painting! I've just based another 30 or so models ready for priming and painting. Hopefully enough will be done for a painted battle report on Saturday!

Friday, 17 February 2012


More miniatures for my evil fantasy army arrived today.
They're all from The Devil will actually be a statue!

Trucks! Thousands of them!

Just found these while clearing out. There's quite a few of them, too. Will do pretty well for terrain with a lick of paint!

Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Instant mould!

I bought a tester stick of Instant Mould from eBay the other day, and it arrived this morning. I decided to give it a go by making an objective for my upcoming Fantasy army.
It was really easy to use, and worked really well - don't expect to be able to mould yourself an entire army, however, as the effort and green stuff required really wouldn't be worth it!

He'll get a better paintjob when I decide on a paint scheme!

Note that I managed to get ink from the instructions on the gel, but it came off with some more hot water. This stuff is a lot better than I thought it would be. I don't think I'll need more than this one bar of it however, as it's reusable. Score.

Sunday, 12 February 2012

I really wish I had the time to paint these right now.

I've made little progress today, as I'm past the point where procrastinating is acceptable. I did however find an old mech from a board game - no idea which, as I can't find the box - and manage to base & spray it. It's too small to fit a pilot, so it's going to be a remote drone. I need to decide on a colour scheme for my force! So far the troopers have been black armoured with desert camo underneath, but I threw a bit of red in too. I think I'll have to check what the mechs I've done so far look like next to a fire team.
I also took a moment to make the spider drones from GZG, and they're wonderful little things. Updates this week likely to be rare, but once I've recovered from post-literature project drinking next week, expect plenty more!

Saturday, 11 February 2012

Got some mail.

Quick update. Just received these, which were mailed to a friend. They're some Ground Zero Games spaceships (drones), heavy armour troops and spider drones. Also in the post today were some 15mm knights for my upcoming evil fantasy army. Definitely jumping in the deep end, here! More updates to follow when I get the time.

Also, for anyone who was wondering what the super secret ruleset we'll be using is - check out

Something I stole from another blog..

Just arrived in the post. Going to need some plasticarding, but 50p on eBay isn't bad!

Friday, 10 February 2012

First steps into 15mm gaming

I've picked up some of Critical Mass Games' ARC fleet recon troops to get started. Their platoon set, at £15 for 43 models, seems ridiculously good value for money to someone who is used to 28mm gaming.
They are also the same scale as some tanks I had picked up a while ago but never used. Score. I have a feeling this is going to be interesting - there is much better scope for converting, as things can be fudged easily.
I've got round to painting a bit already, as shown below. The minis are a GW spore mine, some ARC fleet troops with a Khurasan Mariner, a mech from Critical Mass and robots from Black Cat Bases. I'm particularly impressed by the CMG and Khurasan minis. I wasn't expecting the level of detail they have - the ARC models have pouches! The tanks shown are a Scimitar and a Saladin, I believe.
More to come soon - hopefully including a battle report using brand new and super secret 15mm war gaming rules!